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School safety essay

School safety essay

school safety essay

Oct 19,  · Abstract School’s safety and security have been taken into consideration. After the past few historical events, that have changed the way that citizens look at school’s security and safety has changed dramatically. School districts and the government are taking action in fixing this problem that is continuing to become blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Words | 8 Pages. several major concerns on school campuses. The two main concerns on school campuses are safety and security. With school violence on a steady rise, schools are force to resort to many safety and security measures including metal detectors, security School Safety essaysIn recent years, tragedies have been visited upon schools across the country. From Kentucky to Oregon to Colorado, the notion of schools as safe havens has been shattered by the sound of gunfire. These acts are not limited to any geographic regions or family backgrounds, nor do t

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School districts and the government are taking action in fixing this problem that is continuing to become worse. Their goals are to make these schools a safe environment for students and staff to attend to.

The ideas and bills that have been made and are taking place are going to affect the schools and the way that they will run. School Security and Safety Children have grown up thinking that school is a safe place to be. Are children really safe at school anymore? Since a couple of the last school shootings, school districts and the government have been making changes to the way that they are running their schools now. Proficient in: Safety Measures In School. I really enjoy the effort put school safety essay. The schools have come up with school safety essay plans, making of a bill, hiring more officers to be on the school campus, and doing whatever is possible to make their school safer than they thought it already was.

School incidents have been happening for over decades. The most recent ones are the ones that many will remember and be effected by forever. Many are familiar with the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, school safety essay. Adam Lanza, a twenty year old man, school safety essay, entered Sandy Hook Elementary one morning and shot twenty young children and 6 staff employees, and then committed suicide.

It was a traumatic day for many, school safety essay. Since this event, the United Stated has taken action into making our schools safer for the children that attend any school. Many bills and plans are being presented and passed in order to make these schools safe. In taking action, school safety essay, schools have started to hire police officers or hire more than what they have now.

They feel that having police officers on campus makes the students and staff feel safer. Another action that schools are taking is having fences put around the school, and also installing more security. These events can also happen on college campuses. One of the major events that took place was the Virginia Tech Massacre, where 33 students died. It occurred in different events during the day, school safety essay. The students were not notified or evacuated from the campus until later that day.

They teach the children what to do if they hear the code word for intruder in the school. For this drill, the school has volunteer parents and police officers come on campus and pretend school safety essay be the intruders for their drill. During the drill, the principal picks out a student that may be chattering or making some other noise and explains to them that if they were to be doing this during a real intruder incident, it could possibly bring the intruder into their room first and cause harm to everyone else.

The principal school safety essay not mean to scare the child or make them upset, but he is just trying to show the children what the slightest noise could do.

Having this idea as a possibility, for having a safer school, is very smart. From the past shootings in the school, the government and school districts have pushed having an emergency plan in hand to where if something were to happen, they school knows what to do.

The South, has the highest number of Emergency Planning, out of the Northeast, Midwest, and West. The South also has the highest number out of all the different categories. The South has the highest number of relevant bills than the other regions. It has a total of relevant bills. It has been introduced and passed from the Senate to the House. It is still in action of being passed fully.

This bill is to emphasize the importance of having school counseling available in the school. It states that programs from the American School Counseling Association should be included in education every day.

The U. Senate is considering making a School Safety Bill. This bill will benefit any school because it allows the school distracts to use the grants that are provided to improve their schools safety and security. Senate has come up with many ways of using the money for the schools.

The bill good for the states and local governments because it is a way of upgrading security from anywhere between having fences to installing surveillance school safety essay. This is extremely good because these are ways of making a safer school and environment for everyone.

Another advantage that the money can go towards is having teacher and administrators trained on security. The local governments will have to be responsible for fifty percent match for the federal resources. This idea is not something that is brand new and recent. All of this is based off of the first program that was created by the Congress in It was made on part of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act.

This bill not just be going towards the K schools; it will also be available for universities to create a safe environment for them as well. It created a National Center for Campus Public Safety. This will provide the research and training to help keep universities safe as well. It is 75 pages long that is full of information that is to help school emergency planners create new plans or to update and improve their plans.

It is to help show how to respond if an incident were to happen in their school, school safety essay. Obama is working on trying to pass a second part of this plan, school safety essay, so schools are able to make the changes in their emergency plans. Through all the actions that were stated, they should all be taken in consideration for making these schools have a better environment for the children and staff members to attend.

Children should be able to go back to school without worrying is something bad is going ot happen at school that day. Children should feel that school is one of the safest places for them to be at. In these actions, I think that is has a nice start. Over time, hopefully schools will improve and have the feeling of being safe again.

I think that there are more ways that school safety can be improved, but it is being taken care of, one step at a time. School safety and security will one day be taken care of and not have to be an issue to worry about daily. References Fuchs, Erin. Senate to Consider School Safety Bill, school safety essay. Ujifusa, Andrew. School Safety. Accessed May 31, School Safety Categories: Safety Measures In School School Shootings. Download paper. Essay, Pages 7 words. Turn in your highest-quality paper Get a qualified writer to help you with.

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School Safety essays

school safety essay

Essay On School Safety. Words3 Pages. The issue of school safety has become a controversial topic in the united states, due to tragic acts of violence occurring lately. When school shooting occurs, who should really put the blame on, the teacher, the students, or the staff working in the school to make it safe Get your free examples of research papers and essays on School Safety here. Only the A-papers by top-of-the-class students. Learn from the best! Words | 8 Pages. several major concerns on school campuses. The two main concerns on school campuses are safety and security. With school violence on a steady rise, schools are force to resort to many safety and security measures including metal detectors, security

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