Monday, May 31, 2021

Nobody is perfect essay

Nobody is perfect essay

nobody is perfect essay

 · nobody is perfect in a world is this sentence is true aur fake if a human it is perfect in everything like he is beautiful he is charming he is intelligent in every subject he he is all rounder he can do everything with such a profession like nobody can do it seems imaginary line is that no one in the world who is perfect yes no one is perfect in the world but we can tell universe God is only one who is perfect  · As we go through this life we have, we must accept and realize that nobody is perfect in the world, and human nature makes all kinds of mistakes. I believe that when people make mistakes, its really important to never repeat it again and learn from the first time. We make mistakes on tests, we make mistakes on choosing our better half who ends up to be the total opposite of who you had known from before, we make mistakes Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins  · Download paper. Download. Essay, Pages 4 ( words) Views. No one person is perfect. Mistakes, just like water, are an essential part of life. It’s not for our faults that we should be judged; rather it’s the way we learn to accept our human nature and change for the better. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Puritanical novel, The Scarlet Letter, the main character, Hester Prynne, commits an

Nobody's Perfect Free Essay Sample

Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. com, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Favorite Quote: You cant have sunshine without any rain.

No one is perfect. Which is why pencils were made with erasers, and apologizes were created. Many of us in life have made mistakes, big or small.

To some people it might seem like a person has everything going for them, or that everything gets handed to them to easy. Like they are perfect.

But in reality they are just as imperfect as everyone else in this world. No matter who you are I am positively sure that you have made some kind of mistake in your lifetime.

Even the most famous and important people have messed up a few times to many. Making mistakes is part of life, and you can never get hard on yourself just because you might have messed up a little bit. Always take this nobody is perfect essay to learn from your faults and know how to handle the situation next time, nobody is perfect essay, or even avoid it all together so there is no chance of it happening again.

No one is perfect, making a mistake is not going to be the end of your life, nobody is perfect essay. But it might just benefit you in the future. There are always going to be really smart people in the world, but just because they are smart does not mean that they know everything.

At some point everybody wishes to be smarter and that is never a bad thing. But have the urge to be smarter for the amount of knowledge you are going to gain not because you want to be smarter than someone else. Because honestly, the chances are they really are not as smart as they come across to be.

Making mistakes helps you gain experience which in the end makes you smarter. Being imperfect can really have its advantages. These people are not perfect. They actually work hard for what they have and they plan on keeping it that way or possibly even making it better.

But why would someone you consider to be perfect want their lives to get any better? Maybe to them there is no perfect, like I said; maybe there is always space to get better. Just because things look good from the outside, does not mean that it really is good on the inside. People only show what they want others to see. They could be struggling with something internally and you would never hear about it.

Some people have made a lot of mistakes just to get where they are now. There is always room to make mistakes, and to learn, and to work hard, and even to grow as a person. Everyone has made a mistake in their life, no one has learned everything the world has to offer them, nobody is perfect essay.

Not one person who has walked on this planet has claimed the title of being perfect. Everyone has their flaws, and being imperfect is just human. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? These links will automatically appear in your email. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know.

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More by this author. BreeBrake BRONZEMerritt Nobody is perfect essay, Florida 1 article 0 photos 0 comments Favorite Quote: You cant have sunshine without any rain. View profile.

The author's comments:. Writing this essay was a challenging thing to do. I first had to realize that I had flaws, and that everyone makes mistakes just like I nobody is perfect essay. So I wrote this to let people know that they are not alone in making mistakes.

Things happen. I like this 0, nobody is perfect essay. Vote this 0. Post a comment, nobody is perfect essay. Add to favorites. Submit your own. Similar Articles. Previous Next. Christmas Revisited. Moral Obligation. Austin Street. Queens Residents.

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Power Rangers - Nobody's Perfect

, time: 3:23

Nobody’s Perfect « Sydney | This I Believe

nobody is perfect essay

 · Nobody is perfect. That is a fact. Not a scientifically proven fact, but more like a fact that, quite frankly, most people refuse to believe. People want to be perfect. It is human nature to want to be ,,% perfect. I used to be like that. I would cry and scream and shout if I  · Download paper. Download. Essay, Pages 4 ( words) Views. No one person is perfect. Mistakes, just like water, are an essential part of life. It’s not for our faults that we should be judged; rather it’s the way we learn to accept our human nature and change for the better. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Puritanical novel, The Scarlet Letter, the main character, Hester Prynne, commits an Nobody Nobody Nobody but You You know i still LOVE you baby, And it will never change I want nobody, nobody but you I want nobody, nobody but you I want no one else but you Can't have anyone but you I want nobody nobody nobody nobody Why are you trying to push me away?

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