Apr 23, · Medical cannabis is claimed to be a safe and useful treatment for such medical conditions as cancer, pain, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy, among others. This essay attempts to determine whether using marijuana for medical purposes is based on empirical data or rather a populist myth/5 The selected bill is; S/A, New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act. To this end, the paper will offer a comprehensive report regarding the pros and cons of the bill, the sponsors and party affiliations of the bill; identify its ramifications on health care or nursing profession in particular and other fields alike; carry out a literature review of the issues pertaining the Essay about The Benefits of Medical Marijuana Words9 Pages INTRODUCTION Marijuana, also known as weed, hemp, cannabis, pot, herb, grass, etc., is the most common illegal drug in the United States. Marijuana is also known to be a gateway drug because it can
Medical Marijuana: Free Expository Essay Sample
The endorsement of the New Jersey Compassionate Medical marijuana essay Medical Marijuana Act may be perceived differently by people in the nursing profession and others alike depending on their individual schools of thought regarding the use of marijuana in treating terminally ill persons. Whereas some may view it from a political perspective, others may adopt a medical approach. Currently, there is enough empirical evidence that shows that marijuana is a key drug in treating cancer, multiple sclerosis and AIDS-related complications such as weight loss syndrome.
Marijuana in its natural form fulfills the legal requirements of accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, medical marijuana essay. As a matter of fact, marijuana is currently one of the least toxic medical compounds, world over. Furthermore, it is less risky than tobacco in regards to causing pulmonary risks, and that it is less addictive than alcohol.
It is even less deadly than aspirin, which is medical marijuana essay to cause 1, deaths annually. It has shown adequate results in mitigating chemotherapy-induced nausea.
The sampled group also indicated that smoked marijuana was more effective and safer to use than the legal oral synthetic THC Marinol. However, other drugs have been approved with far less empirical evidence of their efficacy collected.
What more, several organizations in New Jersey have indicated their support for the bill, including, Academy of Family Physicians, League for Nursing, local chapters of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and even the Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
Opponents of the bill claim that it would send a bad message to the growing kids, that marijuana smoking is legal, and that drug abuse rates have gone up in states that have already ratified medical marijuana use.
Perhaps the following evidence about medical marijuana underscores my support for the bill. The discovery in that THC-receptor sites in the brain and subsequent studies that have shown that marijuana is not addictive and that it is not a drug of abuse should medical marijuana essay enough grounds to convince the authorities and the public that it is time for the legalization of marijuana.
It is therefore inhumane for the federal government to continue prohibiting physicians from exploring medical marijuana option in their endeavors to alleviate suffering among the terminally ill. Again, the notion that marijuana may have long term effects to the users and that it poses dangers of addiction is not relevant, particularly to people who have endured pain as a result of medical conditions that have exhausted other prescriptions.
In fact, medical marijuana essay, what should count in the context of such patients is whether a seriously ill person gets relief following an intervention and not where a controlled trial proves its efficacy.
It is as a result of these reasons why the federal government should allow state governments to legalize medical marijuana for the seriously ill patients and also empower the physicians to determine which cases warrant medical marijuana treatment. Confirmed results of effectiveness were observed in the treatment of spasticity, painful conditions such as neurogenic pain, movement disorders, asthma, and glaucoma.
In fact, marijuana use was associated with cancer risk ratio were below 1, medical marijuana essay. The study concluded that it could medical marijuana essay possible that the Tetrahydrocannabinol THC may be responsible for programmed cell apoptosis death before they have a chance to undergo malignant transformation.
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Should Marijuana Be Legalized? - Pros and Cons of Legalizing Medical and Recreational Marijuana
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Find a medical marijuana/cannabis doctor in Princeton New Jersey - Schedule an appointment today at Canna Care Docs clinic to get medical cannabis recommendation or renew medical marijuana card. Call () Missing: essay Jul 18, · There are over cannabinoids in marijuana. “”Currently, the two main cannabinoids from the marijuana plant that are of medical interest are THC and CBD.”” (National Institute) New medical uses for CBD and THC are still being discovered. Marijuana is already being used to treat many different illnesses and pain relief.4/5(24) Mar 09, · Read Should New Jersey Legalize Medical Marijuana and Decriminalize Marijuana? free essay and over 89, other research documents. Should New Jersey Legalize Medical Marijuana and Decriminalize Marijuana?. You will not endure pain if you become bound to the drug said Galen, a roman physician in context to
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